Mmm, apples. I love apples. And brown sugar. And cinnamon. Okay, so here again, I like all of the ingredients in this wonderful dessert. I was actually surprised when my New Jersey-bred sister-in-law suggested that I make this, because this is more of a Southern dish. Maybe we’ve converted her…poor thing. As usual, when I was searching through recipes, there were things that I did and didn’t like about particular ones, then threw in my own ideas and put this one together. I really liked the idea of oats being part of the topping, but also the cake mix…so I combined them. I also didn’t have time to peel and cut up 9 apples, so I decided to go with the canned apple pie filling. The great thing about this recipe is that if you want to peel and cut up the apples, you absolutely can!
As I was crumbling the top over the apples, all of the different smells and flavors started creeping up my nostrils. Next thing I know, my face is close to the dish, deliberately inhaling that intoxicating scent. Oh, and it gets even better while it’s baking. I really enjoy making some of these Southern dishes, and look forward to making even more. Maybe I’ll end up catering our next family reunion. Gulp.
So, I asked my sister-in-law if she was dieting, because I made an apple crisp. She said that she doesn’t like apple crisp, so that works out for her to be less tempted. Apparently she was throwing out suggestions, and that we really haven’t converted her yet. We still have time. When this came out of the oven, it was moving around. Rising up and down in different places, and I was somewhat expecting a hand to come flying out and grab my face, something similar to a scene in the movie Beetlejuice. Had a little too much fun poking my finger at the rising parts and watching it shift, giggling like a small child. And just in case you’re wondering… Yes, I am easily entertained. Now it’s time to dig in… Serve this warm with some vanilla ice cream on top, I’m in!! Me next! What is your favorite Southern dessert?
9 apples, peeled and chopped + 1 1/2 cups water -OR- 3 (21 oz.) cans of apple pie filling
1 box white cake mix
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 cup oats
1 1/2 sticks butter, melted
Spread apple mixture on bottom of 9×13 inch pan. Combine remaining ingredients, stirring well. Mixture will be crumbly, sprinkle on top of apple mixture. Bake at 350 degrees for approximately 50-60 minutes.
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