Ahhh, turtles. No, not the animal…but the dessert. Although, the animals are cute too. I always knew the combination of turtles, but didn’t officially know the name of them until several years ago when a good friend told me how much she loved turtles…that’s when I realized that I loved them too, just didn’t know it! If you’re not familiar with the term, turtles are the combination of chocolate, caramel and pecans. Such a lovely combination. In this recipe, the turtle meets the rice krispie treat and combine forces.
Be prepared to get a little bit of a workout when making these things…stirring the melting ingredients frequently is very important so that nothing gets overcooked and becomes lumpy and yucky. Taking a bite into these bad boys is heavenly. They’re chewy, moist, and crispy all at the same time. A wonderful variety of flavors and textures in one bite. Oh yes, and try your best to be careful with them…I’m usually pretty good at resisting a treat if I’ve already tasted it, but I can actually hear them calling my name from the kitchen.
Chewy Turtle Treats Recipe:
3/4 cup butter
1 cup caramel chips
1 cup chocolate chips
1 1/2 cups mini marshmallows
3 cups crisped rice cereal
1 cup chopped pecans
Melt butter on low heat in pot. When butter has melted, add remaining ingredients and stir frequently until everything is melted and mixed together well. Remove from heat, add cereal and pecans, stirring well. Press into greased 9×13 inch dish, let set for a few minutes before cutting into desired size for pieces.