Caramel Macchiato Cupcakes

I love the sound of this name…caramel macchiato.  Sounds elegant and delicious.  I’ve heard people mention this in a way that just makes it sound yummy…maybe it’s just the tone in their voices because they love it so much.  Either way, I had to try it…and was quite impressed myself. When it comes to making cupcakesRead More

Cherry Cobbler

Ahh, yes…another cobbler.  Peach will actually be the next flavor, and my husband is super excited about it.  My parents came in town to visit, so I wanted to make this while they were here, since they love cherries.  They were my guinea pigs, and seemed pretty happy about it. In fact, both of myRead More

Double Peanut Butter Brownies

Well, if you’re a true peanut butter addict, look no further.  Stop what you’re doing, go to the store and get the ingredients for these bad boys, because they are ridiculously peanut buttery and perfect.  The first time I made these was several years ago.  One of my friends doesn’t like chocolate…GASP (I know, it freaked meRead More

Homemade Peach Ice Cream

Peach season has arrived!  Anytime the subject of peaches comes up, my husband always talks about two recipes that he grew up enjoying that his Nana made…peach ice cream and peach cobbler.  We went to a local produce stand and stocked up on peaches, and he went to the store and bought an ice creamRead More

Tiramisu Cheesecake

As I’ve mentioned before, my husband’s family is a bunch of tiramisu junkies.  If you want to see several of them drool at the mention of food, just say the word around them.  Sometimes it’s just fun to say.  I actually made this for our 5th anniversary…the timing was perfect.  The hubster loved it, andRead More

Banana Pudding

In my family, we call this “Nanner Puddin.”  Don’t forget the Southern twang with that phrase, too.  My brother and I are goofy though, since neither one of us likes chunks of banana in our pudding…so I had to get creative.  I knew that just using banana flavored pudding mix wouldn’t be good enough, soRead More


I’ll never forget the first time I had a blondie.  A group of us had gone out to eat at a chain restaurant, and I was flipping through the dessert menu…and there it was.  A blonde brownie topped with chocolate ice cream and caramel sauce.  Holy cow, I have to get that  I thought toRead More