Wow, that’s a long name. Well worth it though, considering all of the chocolate and yumminess inside. When I made these, my brother and friend were at my house. They were in another room, chatting away, with no clue as to what I was doing in the kitchen. I figured it would be best to surprise them when I was finished. My brother was getting ready to walk out the door when I stopped him, a big glob of chocolate on a paper towel in my hand, holding it out for him. He immediately took it and looked at it. “What is it?” he asked. “Don’t worry, you’ll like it,” I responded. He said, “Well, I’m sure I’ll like it, but what is it?” “Just take a bite and you’ll see.” It’s a good thing he trusts me. He took a bite, and looked at the inside. When I explained exactly what was inside the big glob of chocolate in his hand as he gobbled away, he looked at me and said, “I outta beat you for giving me this. I guess this is lunch AND dinner!” He still finished it off, and I got a good chuckle out of it. When my friend ate it, she said, “This is STUPID good.” I’m going to take that as a compliment.
First, get your ingredients. Double Stuf Oreo cookies, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, and dark chocolate melting wafers. That’s it, just three ingredients. Separate the Oreos, disgarding the side of the cooke that doesn’t have the cream. Or, save it for something else. Or, just eat it.
Sandwich one of the peanut butter cups in between two of the cream-coated Oreo cookies.
Melt your chocolate wafers in 15 second intervals in microwave safe dish (I use a coffee cup or glass measuring cup), stirring in between each interval. Dip each cookie in melted chocolate using tongs, then place on wax paper for chocolate to harden.
Eat, and enjoy. Beware, because it’s a LOT of chocolate and tends to be quite rich…but I noticed that after I gobbled one down, I was talking myself out of eating another one and just staying away. It worked long enough for them to get out of the house. Whew!
Looks tooo toooo gooood
Looks tooooo toooo goooood
Trust me, it is! 😉
Looks tooo toooo gooood
Looks tooooo toooo goooood
Trust me, it is! 😉