While strolling through Wal Mart, the holiday baking section always catches my eye this time of year. Well, I say that I was strolling, but it was more along the lines of a race-walking situation where I was headed for the finish line (being checkout). I slowed down for a few seconds, then came to a screeching halt. There they were…practically taunting me from the shelf…Gingerbread Marshmallows. Was this an oasis in the dessert of shopping craziness in front of my eyes? Clearly it was, so two bags were quickly thrown into my cart. On I went, bolting for the self checkout aisle. I couldn’t help but to fantasize about how satisfying some Gingerbread Rice Krispie Treats would be going into my belly.
With previous Rice Krispie Treat recipes, I’ve noticed that they’ve seemed a little dry. Since I’m a huge fan of delicious desserts with moisture, I usually add a little more butter than what the recipe calls for…and in this case, some added cinnamon. You’re welcome.
Gingerbread Rice Krispie Treats Recipe
4 tablespoons butter
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 (8 oz.) bag gingerbread marshmallows
5 cups Rice Krispies cereal
extra butter for dish
Generously rub extra butter in bottom an dup sides of a 9×13 inch baking dish, set aside. In a large pot, melt butter on low/medium heat on stove. Continue to cook butter, stirring constantly, until slightly browned. Stir in cinnamon and continue to cook for another minute. Add marshmallows, reduce heat and stir constantly until marshmallows are melted and mixture is smooth. Remove front heat, immediately add cereal and stir well until mixture is completely coated. Spoon mixture into buttered dish. Use extra butter for rubbing on hands, then press mixture evenly into dish.