What? Yep, that’s right. These cupcakes have protein powder in them! Protein builds muscles, muscles eat fat…nuff said. This has definitely been a trial and error situation with these cupcakes. The first batch was so awful that I took a bite, said, “Bleh!” and threw all two dozen of them away. The second batch was just a teeny bit better, but they weren’t worth holding on to. I’m far from being finished with this experiment, and am determined to reach a good middle ground with making these cupcakes halfway healthy AND taste pretty good.
Here’s the second batch…which looked identical to the first batch. I had the brilliant idea of using ALL whole wheat flour…Not such a great idea. Whole wheat flour is more dense and doesn’t rise well at all, so these cupcakes were hard enough to be used as a weapon. They actually reminded me of a scene in the movie “Charlie’s Angels” when they threw a yucky muffin at a door, and the door broke. There may have been a possibility that the same thing would have happened with these cupcakes. My best friend and her little baby girl came over to visit, and we were standing in the living room when she asked, “What is THAT on the couch?” I looked over, and my little vacuum cleaner of a dog had stolen one of the first cupcakes off the counter…but changed her mind about eating it once she got a hold of it.
Here’s the third batch that came out. This time, a little more than half of the flour used was white, and this made a HUGE difference. Instead of topping these healthy (er) cupcakes with icing, I decided to go with a thin glaze of dark chocolate. This adds a little extra sweetness…plus, dark chocolate is actually good for your heart. But wait, that doesn’t mean to run out and eat 4 pounds of dark chocolate just because I said that. 😉
Since I’m not finished tweaking this recipe, I’m going to hold off on posting it for now. But don’t worry, I refuse to give up on these cupcakes and WILL come to a delicious conclusion. Stay tuned. 😀
Ingredients I’m experimenting with for this recipe:
white flour
whole wheat flour
canola oil
fat free milk
protein powder
sugar substitute
reduced sugar peanut butter
dark chocolate