I’ll have to be honest here…I’ve been sampling rice krispie treats my entire life, and none of them have held a candle to my mom’s recipe. She claims that she followed the recipe on the box, but I found out that’s not true. She improvises on things that she decreases or adds. Ah ha! That’s where I get that quality from! About 8 years ago, I attempted to make the treats on my own. This was before I learned, well mostly everything I have learned, and they were a disaster. This time, we put our heads together and made these for Halloween.
Look at this! Okay, so this may not sound very appetizing, but I honestly couldn’t tell the difference between the regular and the healthier kind. In fact, my brother jumped in and started eating them, and I tested him. He gobbled his treat down quickly, and I asked how he liked it. “Really good!” he said. I smiled, “Oh, really? They’re made out of gluten-free whole grain brown rice krispies.” He looked confused. “Well, maybe I do taste a little difference.” Ha! Just don’t tell your family when you use these. 🙂
First, melt the butter and the marshmallows. The minis melt much better, making this first step easier. Next, add the orange food coloring for desired color.
When the mixture is almost completely melted, take the pot off the stove and stir frequently until smooth. Add the krispies, one cup at a time, stirring in gradually. If you try to add all of the krispies at once, it makes it more difficult when stirring everything together.
I saw my mom rubbing butter on her hands, and she told me that this keeps the krispies from sticking to her hands, making it a lot easier when pressing into the pan to set or rolling into balls, like we do here. The balls are about the size of the palm of my hand, and I pressed them down slightly to give them more of a pumpkin shape.
Here, I took melted chocolate and put it in a squeeze bottle…then piped it on the treats to give it more of a pumpkin look. To top it off, we added a chocolate chip on top as the stump. Although they’re not the exact shape of pumpkins, we thought they were super cute AND yummy!